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Smells Like Creative Spirit

Smells Like Creative Spirit


Feeling uninspired? Your nose knows how to change that quickly. Smell is directly connected to areas of our brain influencing memory and mood. Armed with this knowledge, we can easily elevate our creative slump by employing the right aromas. Citrus is a cheerleader fragrance rousing you back into the game. Ylang ylang or lavender can soothe a seething stick-in-the-mud into a mellow mastermind.  Spark creativity by lighting your favorite scented candle or imbue the air with diffused essential oils. Check out this Smart WIFI essential oil aromatherapy diffuser and humidifier. It can sync with your Alexa and Google Home while also following a schedule. Plus, the LED light sets a calming vibe for your workspace.

In sum, these surprisingly small efforts can make giant strides in boosting brilliance, while mindfully maximizing your creative potential. The gang at GAC believes a creative world is a happy world. Follow us for more of our tips on harnessing the kind of creativity that promotes a more radiant and creative global community. 


Pump Up the Volume

Pump Up the Volume 

Music is a powerful persuasive force. The right tune can make you move, can help the IQ to climb, and an innovator to drop into their clever genius. At GAC, headphones make up our uniform. While some headphone sets may be considered more stylish than others, they all are used to promote the timely production of unique marketing results.  What moves us is also unique. One of our Creative Directors, Kristen, finds lyrics distracting because she can’t help but sing along, so her headphones play Chillhop music when she needs to focus. Some Chillhop YouTube videos have over 1.8 million views. However, try not to get sidetracked by the cute animations.  Search for what music releases you, and there's no shame in playlist skipping or repeating.  





Forest Bathe for Brilliance

Forest Bathe for Brilliance

Before you go cannonball diving into a chilly, woodsy pond, consider a far more mild yet potent “non-activity” the Japanese call shinrin-yoku (or Forest Bathing).  Immersing yourself for two hours in the serene green opens our five senses to our wild creative nature. Take a moment and be present, nonjudgmentally aware of the world around you and experience the crisp autumn air, crunching leaves, and the colors of the changing trees.  But folks, please keep your phone at home. Surrendering to these healing forces requires us to unplug.  


For the Seattle local, we recommend Poo Poo Point Trail situated just 25 minutes from downtown. Even if you don’t finish the full 6-mile hike, there are several points to recharge near creeks. On bright days you can watch people throwing themselves off Tiger Mountain from the PPP Trail in colorful paragliding gear. Talk about releasing it to nature! 

We understand that the typical urban magic-maker may have limited access to the mean, green creative machine. It's worth pointing out that mindfully observing the world's micro-moments can inspire greatness too. You may never look at the busy bird or nature's push through the sidewalk cracks in the same way again.